Posts Tagged With: gate-guard

“Cows!” vs. The cattle on 1000 hills

Do you remember as a child playing “What does the ____ say?”  Perhaps you have even played this learning-game with your children and grandchildren.  “What does a pig say”  …  “oink-oink”.  “What does a duck say”  … “quack-quack”.  and of course, ” What does a cow say?”  … “moo”, right? From this common situation shouldn’t you be able to say that anything that says, “MOO!!” is a COW? Apparently, not.

What's he looking for? It's just dirt!

What’s he looking for? It’s just dirt!

I was not raised on a farm. I had the opportunity to visit my uncle Xen’s farm and milk cows with cousins the summer between 7th and 8th grade. I have enjoyed seeing many types of cattle out in their fields as we travel all over the country. It’s especially sweet if I see a big red barn, a big white farmhouse, a tire-swing in the yard, and lots of big green tractors in the distance, too.

My husband’s sister’s family has a feedlot and a huge farm in northern Illinois. We love to visit the family. It seems produce many smiles and much laughter each visit showing me how much I do NOT know about cattle. I enjoy reading their 4-H reports about the various kinds of cattle; I confess I do not remember much of the information. I see all the awards and ribbons they have earned from raising, caring for, training and showing these creatures at the local and distant fairs. When we visit the farm and tour the lots, all of the beasts are on the other side of the fence.

I have even read informative articles about how to tell the difference between “cows”, heifer, bulls, etc. It was interesting to know that both males and females can have those huge horns. This article not only has relevant definitions, it also has paint-by-the-number pictures with anatomical and physiological differences. It contains information about common myths regarding horns and coloring, such as, “As a matter of fact, bulls and cows (not to mention steers, calves and heifers) can be any colour except pink, purple, green and blue.”

Yesterday was rainy and cool. Consequently, I was not out in the yard much. Just before sunset, as the shift-change, exit-rush of workers was about to begin this was the scene!

cows by the gate

cows by the gate

At first glance these animals looked scary to me. Please note that the animals are on the same side of the fence as me! Actually, I am standing in the doorway of my RV wondering how I am supposed to OPEN the gate, take two photos of each exiting vehicle, let the workers out  . .  while the yard is full of huge bovine creatures!

Look at those horns!

Look at those horns!

These animals have plenty of grass to eat for miles and miles. Can anyone tell me why they want the grass and weeds that are by the road and by the gate? Why do they especially love to walk back and forth in front of the motion detector? Can they hear the beeping? One actually loves to rub her nose on the sensor and the lights. Maybe she likes it because it is warm? The article advises, “Don’t get excited, tense or fearful, around them, and if they come up to you, don’t be alarmed as they are naturally curious animals.”

I did not have to worry long, by the time the first vehicle came they had slowly moo-o-o-oved on down the road to the next patch of dry,brown grass.

mooooo-ving along little doggies

mooooo-ving along little doggies

Lastly, I was remembering this childhood song based on a phrase from Psalm 50:10. “For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.”: (sing it with me if you know it)

He owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
The wealth in every mine;
He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills,
The sun and stars that shine.
Wonderful riches, more than tongue can tell –
He is my Father so they’re mine as well;
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills –
I know that He will care for me.

You can download, or listen on Youtube sung by children or in a medley by Gaither trio.

even read a few other blogs about this song . .

  1. the examiner e-zine says, ” Sometimes we need to be reminded that God, who is our Father and our Provider, owns everything. “
  2. the gammons fam says, “As my friend was writing about a struggle that he is walking through and his desire to trust God with all of his needs, this song came to mind.  It is an old one from the very beginning of the “chorus movement”.  I love it’s simple message straight from the scriptures.”
  3. Geneva Psalter says, “Although it expresses a valid sentiment, namely, that God cares for us, this is not the point of the psalm, whose main theme is that Almighty God stands in judgement on those who offer the prescribed sacrifices while remaining content to follow their sinful ways.”
  4. Pastor Nathan Ruble says, “The context of this statement was not about God’s ability to provide for us but instead something equally if not more important. … What makes our lives acceptable to the Lord is that we live to honor him. “
  5. (my favorite 🙂 ) Full Measure of Joy blog says, “It’s not that God owns all of His Creation. It’s that He has shared it with me! I am His heir and therefore all that He owns belongs to me as well. …But the earthly portion of it isn’t even the best part. Oh we have some beauty in our world to see, but my future home is far greater and more wonderful than anything this world has to offer. …”

God provides ..

  • excitement on a dull rainy day,
  • beef for hamburgers,
  • something to research on our S-l-o-w internet,
  • something to laugh about each day,
  • memories of fun times with friends and relatives,
  • and always a song to sing!!!

Categories: daily log, hymns and songs | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

New Adventure – “Gate Guarding” in TX

First of all, “Gate Guarding” implies there is something to guard. Traffic monitoring would really be a better name. We had heard about this job several years ago. I had read several helpful blogs. Talked to people who had done it in prior years. Did research online and joined forums. Now, are finally experiencing it for ourselves.

Our company is Guard1 Services.

GG1- logo

We had already taken the class and obtained our security licenses before I applied with them. I faxed my application and information to them on a Monday and by Thursday we were on our way to a job.

this is our site:

Our site

We are about 30 steps from our front door to the gate. The gate is about 10 steps from Highway 1916, a dusty gravel road. We are about 7 miles from the nearest small town.  There are two motion detectors to tell us of traffic in/out. We can be inside the RV or sitting outside in the nice weather. When a vehicle arrives, we jump to work. We take the iPad provided by our company, take a photo of the license plate and a photo of the “payload”. Then we type in the plate number, company name, driver’s name and number of passengers. When a vehicle is ready to leave, we find their information in the ipad, take another picture of the license plate and another photo of the “payload”. Open and close the gate. Wait for the next customer. The iPad makes our work easier in some ways — there are no papers to fly away in a big gust of wind, or to get wet in the rain. But, on the other hand, the screen is very difficult to read a few hours of the day in the bright sunlight.

It was good that we were incredibly busy first two weeks we were here. They were fracing (pronounced “fracking”). Hundreds of vehicles per day. Many brought loads of sand. Others loads of water and chemicals (acid?). Of course, there were van loads of workers, too. It was good to be so busy, because even though we had purchased internet boosting devices, it did not work well . .or sometimes even at all.  We quickly developed a schedule or routine. In the evening/dark my husband sleeps in his chair and answers the gate. When I get up and dressed I work the morning. He takes the calls while I fix food for us. Then I usually sit out side and read or crochet while he takes a nap in the bed. At dark, I come in and he does most of the work again. This routine is adjusted as needed when he goes to “town” for groceries, get the mail, or other errands. Once I went to a social lunch gathering of a few of the guards from all companies in our area in a town about 15 miles away. Once I had a Dr appointment in the nearest big town, 55 miles away.

So, the upside of this job is that it pays well. Not as well as a career, but really well for our short term needs. The down side is that it has very limited social contact. One of us has to be here and available to work at the site 24/7. One of the young men who came in every day took a few moments to share with me — He is 24 yrs old and has two beautiful children (showed me photos) in another part of TX. I asked, ” How does your wife feel about your work and being gone so much?” He informed me that even though they have been together Seven Years, he is still Thinking about getting married. I encouraged him to do the right thing! Others asked about where we are from, and where we go from here. So, there is some friendly contact.

In addition to the ipad, and bright orange work vests, our company provides for other essentials.

company provisions

They provide the motion detectors, yard lights, and the tripods to hold them and signage (stop sign). They also supply us with a trailer that has a tank for fresh water, a generator that runs 24/7, along with the diesel, oil, and filters to keep it running. Service trucks come weekly to fill (more water and fuel) and empty (waste) the tanks as needed.

This property has a few cows and other cattle. They are no bother unless they decide they want to walk back and forth in front of the motion detectors. Then we have to bang on a pan and get them to move along. I have not seen any snakes. We have only caught one mouse, so far.

While I am here I have read several books ..  and will review them on Goodreads soon. I have started and finished several tatting and crochet projects. I have had many hours to study my Bible and pray for friends, family, and the workers.  I have cooked a few new recipes. Perhaps the best part of this job for me has been that I have enjoyed more sunrises and sunsets than ever before.


I am not an expert on anything about this job or field. This is only about my personal experiences.

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